
3rd General Assembly and Exploitation Workshop held in Turin

Project partner CRF hosted the 3rd General Assembly of the RobustSENSE project in its facilities in Orbassano just outside Turin, Italy last week. The project consortium reported on the status of the various work packages and initiated the planning phase for the upcoming final event in May 2018.

A central part during the project’s last year are the exploitation activities by the partners. In order to evaluate the initial exploitation strategies and goals from the projects’ start and to fuel further approaches that include the newer project results an exploitation workshop was held one day before the General Assembly. Using various creative techniques and brainstorming methods participants from all project partners developed new approaches to the exploitation potential of the RobustSENSE platform. Interesting use cases and applications for potential deployments of the projects’ results were developed, validated and documented. The results of this workshop together with the feedback of the immanent online expert survey will lead to the final exploitation plan, deliverable D6.5, which is due to the projects end in May 2018.

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News & Events

RobustSENSE website fully launched

01/02/2016 Background information, news and contacts – the RobustSENSE website serves as the central communication platform for the project. From now on, it will provide you with all the latest project news and developments.

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