
RobustSENSE dissemination plan available for download

01/02/2016 For the success of the project it is essential to inform stakeholders about the project’s progress and results.

The public deliverable D6.2 Dissemination plan is the work plan for the dissemination work package (WP6) of the project. It contains detailed descriptions of the strategy and the means by which RobustSENSE communicates. The overall goal is to provide a basis for the consistent communication of the project’s innovative character, its objectives and future results.

This document summarises the planning of communication activities and it serves as a reference point for all information related to the communication and dissemination activities of RobustSENSE. The document describes procedures and templates to be used by all partners and explains roles and responsibilities.

The dissemination plan is available for download.

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News & Events

RobustSENSE website fully launched

01/02/2016 Background information, news and contacts – the RobustSENSE website serves as the central communication platform for the project. From now on, it will provide you with all the latest project news and developments.

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