RobustSENSE Final Event and technical review successfully held
22/05/2018 The RobustSENSE project successfully came to an end last week in Ulm, Germany.
01/02/2016 Background information, news and contacts – the RobustSENSE website serves as the central communication platform for the project. From now on, it will provide you with all the latest project news and developments.
The RobustSENSE team informs about the project´s technical progress, attendances at conferences and more. Public deliverables, presentations and information material can be downloaded from our website. In addition, background information concerning RobustSENSE is provided.
Feel free to browse through the different sections to find out more about RobustSENSE and contact us at info-robustsense(at)
22/05/2018 The RobustSENSE project successfully came to an end last week in Ulm, Germany.
12/03/2018 Partner FZI presented the RobustSENSE project as part of the mobility exhibition.
29/01/2018 RobustSENSE project partner VTT showcased driving demonstrations at the Aurora Summit in Olos, Finland.
19/01/2018 Project partner AVL held the 3rd AVL Driveline Open in November 2017 and informed about the newest developments on powertrain testing.
30/11/2017 Project partner CRF hosted the 3rd General Assembly of the RobustSENSE project last week.
20/09/2017 The RobustSENSE project has shown good progress in the second Technical Review held in Berlin.
17/08/2017 Progress is being made on integrating more components into the RobustSENSE system and testing them.
12/06/2016 RobustSENSE will be represented at the first ECSEL JU Symposium held in Malta on 13 to 14 June, 2017.
05/04/2016 RobustSENSE will be featured at the first Digital Innovation Forum (DIF) held in Amsterdam, Netherlands on 10 and 11 May 2017.
28/02/2016 The RobustSENSE project was introduced at the second FZI Open House in Karlsruhe, Germany. The theme of this year event was "Digital sovereignty".
A new test center for connected and automated driving will be set up in and around the roads and districts of Karlsruhe, Germany.
24/11/2016 Project partner VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd introduced a RobustSENSE demonstrator vehicle in two well visited events in Finland.
The leaders of all work packages within the RobustSENSE project were invited to Brussels on September 15, 2016 to present the first results and findings after one year of intense project research.
13/07/2016 Project partner Bosch GmbH was one of the main sponsors of the “19th International Conference on Information Fusion”, from July 5 to 8, 2016, and used the opportunity to present RobustSENSE.
06/07/2016 RobustSENSE partner FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik presented first results of the project research at the 2016 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, in Gothenburg, Sweden, from June 19 to 22.
26/05/2016 The RobustSENSE project was represented at the Research meets Business networking event held in Tampere, Finland on May 24.
10/05/2016 The meeting of the RobustSENSE management team took place from May 10 to 11, 2016 in Berlin at the EICT offices.
11/02/2016 In February this year the FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik in Karlsruhe invited to an Open House during which also topics like Industry 4.0 and Mobility were discussed.
01/02/2016 The public deliverable D6.2 Dissemination plan contains detailed descriptions of the strategy and the means by which RobustSENSE communicates.
01/02/2016 To facilitate a direct conversation with stakeholders and the interested public, RobustSENSE is now also available on Twitter and LinkedIn.
01/02/2016 Background information, news and contacts – the RobustSENSE website serves as the central communication platform for the project. From now on, it will provide you with all the latest project news and developments.