
The next step of testing

Progress is being made on integrating more components into the RobustSENSE system and testing them. RobustSENSE Project partners FOKUS and AVL Germany have launched the vehicle simulation by developing and integrating a virtual sensor model and a real vehicle cockpit into the RobustSENSE system. The virtual sensor is integrated into the CarMaker simulator and delivers data that is then processed by the RobustSENSE System resulting in actual adaptations to the simulated driving behavior. The simulator thus allows to test the RobustSENSE system under various adverse weather conditions like snowfall or heavy fog in a controlled environment. Testing of the RobustSENSE system in vehicle simulators with an automated car running on a test bench is currently being prepared to start some time early next year.

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News & Events

RobustSENSE website fully launched

01/02/2016 Background information, news and contacts – the RobustSENSE website serves as the central communication platform for the project. From now on, it will provide you with all the latest project news and developments.

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